Thomas, and Marc Toberoff serving as executive producers.
The movie also stars Dane DiLiegro as the Predator.The movie is written by Patrick Aison and produced by John Davis, Jhane Myers, and Marty Ewing, with Lawrence Gordon, Ben Rosenblatt, James E.

The prey she stalks, and ultimately confronts, turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal, resulting in a vicious and terrifying showdown between the two adversaries.The movie features a cast comprised almost entirely of Native and First Nation's talent, including Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers, Stormee Kipp, Michelle Thrush, and Julian Black Antelope. She has been raised in the shadow of some of the most legendary hunters who roam the Great Plains, so when danger threatens her camp, she sets out to protect her people. Oddworld: Strangers Wrath (XBOX) Pandemonium (PS1) Pandemonium 2 (PS1) Paper Boy (N64) Paper Boy (SNES) Peggle (X360) Peggle 2 (X360). Set in the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, Prey is the story of a young woman, Naru, a fierce and highly skilled warrior. Back in 2005, Stranger’s Wrath was a bit of a trendsetter. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (NGC) Final Fantasy: Tactics (PS1). Social skills.Check out the thrilling, action-packed new trailer for Prey, the newest entry in the Predator franchise. Fact: Stranger's top speed is a little over 20mps, which is about 45mph. Powers: Hunting, party crashing, bagging enemies and messing with their minds. Catchphrases: "Never did like guns." "Need to find a bounty store." "Where's the exit to this dump?" "Here kitty, kitty." Most reliable power tool: Semiautomatic, custom-made, retractable, double-barreled, high-tension bow with optional sniper/snooper scope. Last purchase at a mini-mart: Six-dollar necklace, a file, and a Splinterz boot shine and toothpick kit. People skills are a must in bounty hunting. Air bags and trauma center are not included. Trophies Leaderboard 100 Club Platinum Club Forum Crystal Mess Collect 25 orange crystals. Welcome to the latest breed of deviously deceptive and cunningly contagious action adventure games. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD Crystal Mess. Stranger's Wrath features a one-of-a-kind. This is truly Charlton Heston's worst nightmare. Almost out of the blue, Oddworld Stranger's Wrath emerged in mid-2004 and showed that the developers at Oddworld Inhabitants haven't lost their touch. When big game goes bad, you won't let the gorgeous scenery, beautiful rivers, and strategic cat-and-mouse moments fool you. If you think screaming NRA members trying to pull rabid rodents off their faces is cute, then catapulting 500 pounds of beef at 50mph into their chests will really soften the heart.and bones.and cranium. Sure, he could bring a rocket launcher and riot gun to deal with these trigger-happy clowns, but it's a lot more fun to fire vicious chipmunks into their faces, noxious skunks into their barbecues, and killer bees at their bosses. Crystal Mess - Collect 25 Orange Crystals - Trophy/AchievementOn your way to Elboze Freezly after heading out of Port Authority and heading left past the Sky. Fortunately for our stranger, his wrist-mounted crossbow gives new meanings to "live ammo," as his projectiles are purchased from the local pet shop.

When you first meet our mysterious tall, dark, and hairy hero you'll begin to understand why the local posse of coldhearted rednecks never liked his kind.
With a wrist-mounted, double-barrel crossbow and a pack full of live ammo, Stranger is a force to be reckoned with.

Conveniently anonymous, this bounty hunter will bag any bounty for a price. When big game goes bad, he's the dude to call. But the fact is, no one knows where this loner came from, which is why we call him Stranger.
He dresses like he has got something to hide. Any Characters that are introduced after May 6th are available as free DLC. 'Round these parts he's known as "Stranger." Occupation: Bounty Hunter Species: Unknown Class: Hero Base of Operations: Oddworld, Western Mudos The mysterious catlike Stranger is the hero of Oddworld's latest game.